S03E17: If They Don’t All Claw Their Eyes out in Terror, I’ll Be Pretty Surprised

Now that they’ve finally reached their goal, the top of the lofty landing platform, crowded with psychers and muscle waiting for the mysterious shipment, how will our favorite guys fuck it up? Will disaster ensue? Or, more appropriately, what, when and how much disaster will ensue?? Tune in and find out!! SPOILER: Everything explodes, everyone goes insane, and we take it from there. Someone dies. Classic SBG

S03E16: Sorry Danny’s Mum 2

So many minutes! Sports minute, Danny’s mum minute, cut from the show minute… did you miss our pointless intro banter? No? Tough luck! After that we pick up the most unlikely follower yet, hard as it is to believe, and the team actually makes their way to intercept the artifact shipment in their trusty little Isuzu Elf 40,000!

S03E15: Etymology

The adventure continues as the guys split up and explore the office complex to meet the Gaiuses. Nail biting elevator riding! Mind bending office floor navigation! Gut wrenching location descriptions! I don’t know if I’m selling this, but trust me, it’s good. Splitting up is always good. Then someone has an accident in an elevator, various vehicles are hijacked, another follower is forgotten (sorry again Gary), and yet another is gained, again – welcome.. Read More

S03E14: Precinct Six Twenty Six

The Sweet Butt Guys spend 20 minutes getting directions. A new record, good job everyone! But they finally make it to the Brothel and Commercial district, where they spend another… little bit… trying to Find Gaius Anderson. Or was it Gaius Antishin? Who cares, am I right? Meanwhile the team picks up yet another follower, more or less, while others are forgotten. Sorry Davey.

S03E12: Full Elimination

The guys have really been getting their banter down as of late, so join the sweet butt guys for their new minute… poop minute? Well, to be honest, more than just a minute. You have been warned. You will be rewarded for your patience however as the team, lead by the enlightened Max, enter a secret network of underground tunnels, trying to make it to the port to intercept a shipment.. Read More

S03E11: cool dumb guy 9

Wherein we’re all dazzled by another amazing display of character naming prowess from our illustrious DM (prepare to take notes, friends), and then our heroes reap their rewards – namely addiction rolls for everyone. Congratulations! And then finally, what we’ve all been waiting for, interrogation time! And how’s our little buddy Max going to do with only one leg?? Hopefully we’ll all get to experience some riveting workplace accident report sheet roleplay, but.. Read More

S03E10: Punching Him a Little Bit

After a combat heavy episode, we launch into a banter heavy episode! It’s been a while since we last played so after Dave bites off more tofu burger than he can chew, we dredge up some past regrets (more specifically, Chris’ regrets), and try remember who’s dead, who’s on fire and who’s frenzied, we finally jump back into the action! Will our heroes escape the burning inferno to smell once.. Read More

S03E09: DM Dad and the Spiders of Joy

Wherein DM Dad lays down the law and Danny almost starves to death. After that, we play a roleplaying game and the butt guys continue their epic factory battle after last episodes psychic onslaught, shots are fired, people and things are catch fire, and we discover why Frenzon is one hell of a drug.

S03E08: Space Kitchen

Finally, what you’re all waiting for, kitchen minute! After that our team sets up their ambush in the abandoned manufactorum, ready to implement their usual strategy of failed deception rolls, slamming back a pile of drugs and causing some serious psychic phenomena. Sit back and enjoy the ride!